Monday, March 14, 2011

New York City

I spent my last spring break of college in New York City and it was the best week of my life.

I flew in a plane for the first time. 

I wandered around New York City with a map and a camera.

I spent countless hours catching up and reminiscing with Alexa. It felt like we were college roommates again :)

I ate pizza and delicious desert and of course had cups and cups of coffee.

Found this quote on a bench in Central Park & I thought it describes New York City perfectly

Walked through Times Square...every day

Took the ferry to Staten Island. 
This was the view.

And we went right by the State of Liberty

Went to The Bronx to see the Yankee Stadium

Walked on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Walked around Central Park

Had the best brunch of my life

Got the subway down pat and I am happy to say, I didn't get lost once.

Looked up at skyscrapers for hours.

Spent an hour in Washington Square Park listening to a man play piano. It was one of my favorite places in the city.

Watched the sunrise in Central Park


Alexa: "It's good to know that the ones you love will always be in your heart, and if you're lucky only a plane ride away"
Until next time New York City :)


  1. Your pictures are amazing! You captured our week perfectly. I am so glad you came. Come back soon! xoxo

  2. What a great post Amber! It looks like you and Alexa had such a wonderful time and I am proud that you managed the subway all on your own without getting lost! I don't know if I will ever be able to manage that!
